Dell EMC World 2017: All wrapped up
· ☕ 4 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
With all the T-shirts and swag handed out, Dell EMC World gets boxed up for another year. Over the four day event we heard announcements for XtremeIO, IoT, Hello Alice, DTUG and others. Many things, this post won’;t be touching on :). I attended the event with vBrownBag to produce Tech Talks and even film some podcasts. The recordings are found on the vBrownBag YouTube Channel. vBrownBag For the event, the vBrownBag crew consisted of Alastair Cooke, Jeremy Powers and Myself.

vBrownBag Schedule Sydney and Melbourne VMUG UserCons
· ☕ 2 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
It’s UserCon time down under. Which means, vBrownBag are presenting tech talks. Following the UserCon theme, we a number of presentations of personal development. As well as technical coverage. Talk schedules are below Sydney Time <th class="column-2"> Topic </th> <th class="column-3"> Presenter </th> 10:50 - 11:05 <td class="column-2"> Considerations for running Tier 1 databases on VSAN </td> <td class="column-3"> Murray Oldfield<br /> @murray_oldfield </td> 11:10 - 11:25 <td class="column-2"> Becoming a Subject Matter Expert </td> <td class="column-3"> Grant Orchard<br /> @grantorchard </td> 12:50 - 13:20 <td class="column-2"> Q&A VMWare Technical Interview </td> <td class="column-3"> Tai Ratcliff<br /> @TaiRatcliff<br /> Scott Norris<br /> @auScottNorris </td> 13:40 - 13:55 <td class="column-2"> Title: Multi Cloud Management and governance with vRealize Automation </td> <td class="column-3"> Scott Norris<br /> @auScottNorris </td> 14:00 - 14:15 <td class="column-2"> The Importance of Mentorship </td> <td class="column-3"> Rebecca Fitzhugh<br /> @RebeccaFitzhugh </td> Melbourne Time <th class="column-2"> Topic </th> <th class="column-3"> Presenter </th> 10:50 - 11:25 <td class="column-2"> NVMe for Beginners </td> <td class="column-3"> Derek Hennessy<br /> @derekhennessy<br /> Craig Waters<br /> @cswaters1 </td> 11:30 - 11:45 <td class="column-2"> Becoming a Subject Matter Expert </td> <td class="column-3"> Grant Orchard<br /> @grantorchard </td> 12:50 - 13:20 <td class="column-2"> Q&A VMWare Technical Interview </td> <td class="column-3"> Tai Ratcliff<br /> @TaiRatcliff<br /> Scott Norris<br /> @auScottNorris </td> 13:40 - 13:55 <td class="column-2"> Title: Multi Cloud Management and governance with vRealize Automation </td> <td class="column-3"> Scott Norris<br /> @auScottNorris </td> 14:00 - 14:15 <td class="column-2"> The Importance of Mentorship </td> <td class="column-3"> Rebecca Fitzhugh<br /> @RebeccaFitzhugh </td>