Operations Management
Operations Managers Role in Hybrid Cloud
· ☕ 5 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
Operations managers Intelligent workload placement used to be a challenge. Systems such as VMware’;s DRS provided simplicity. Operations managers take workload placement to another level. Ops Managers maintain a holistic view of DC performance and health. They have a large base of information to make decisions on. The more sources of data the better the output. Detection of possible failure conditions can trigger an automatic evacuation. OPs managers provide a range of capabilities outside of workload placement.

Turbonomic Intro: Desired State and Virtual Market Place
· ☕ 3 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
Turbonomic is an operations management platform, built on a rich set of APIs. It has the capability to connect to many different systems and gather extensive datasets. This entry will cover the fundamentals of Desired State and Virtual Market Place. These two components are the basis for Turbonomics recommendations. Platform Support A Target is a management system; such as vCenter. By connecting to a Target, Turbonomic can gather data and perform actions.