First Week and Red Hat
First Week and Red Hat
· β˜• 3 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
I have just completed my first week as a Senior Consultant at Red Hat, and I’d like to what I’ve learnt about working for a company with an ‘open-source business model’. This post intends to share something I found interesting and not to market a company or employer. InterLock-Down My first week at Red Hat aligned with an internal event called ‘InterLock’, or for 2020 ‘InterLock Down’; this event allowed me to learn about the Red Hat ANZ business and people involved.

Review: PluralSight Offline Player OSX Beta
· β˜• 4 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
Roughly a month ago, I received an invite to beta test the PluralSight offline player. At the time, only a Mac client was available. Previously PluralSight had an offline player, and it was awful. Thankfully this has not been the experience with the new player. My daily commute involves a 45-minute train trip each way. This makes up a lot of my personal study and writing time. For this reason, I have a vested interest in an offline player.

Top 3 Communication Skills Every IT Person Needs
Top 3 Communication Skills Every IT Person Needs
· β˜• 4 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
Eric Wright made a blog post titled: he Top 3 Skills Every IT Person Needs". It’;s an excellent article, focusing on technical skills. Skills you should be learning about to stay relevant. Eric made a number of points that I’;ve taken on board. Eric’;s post is the source of inspiration for this one. In the same spirit, I would like to address communication skills, rather than technical. Written Writing is complex, with rules which sometimes are hard to grasp.

Career: Learning new skills
· β˜• 3 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
Learning new skills is essential to stay relevant. If we are not learning new things, we are going backwards. This is not to say you should study at every moment. But, there is a need to learning something new. Different people have different methods for learning. Some people learn best from reading, others from hands on. Myself, I need hands on and a lot of notes. Becuase a learning method works for someoneΒ doesn’;t mean it will work for you.