Dell EMC World 2017: All wrapped up
· ☕ 4 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
With all the T-shirts and swag handed out, Dell EMC World gets boxed up for another year. Over the four day event we heard announcements for XtremeIO, IoT, Hello Alice, DTUG and others. Many things, this post won’;t be touching on :). I attended the event with vBrownBag to produce Tech Talks and even film some podcasts. The recordings are found on the vBrownBag YouTube Channel. vBrownBag For the event, the vBrownBag crew consisted of Alastair Cooke, Jeremy Powers and Myself.

vBrownBag Schedule Sydney and Melbourne VMUG UserCons
· ☕ 2 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
It’s UserCon time down under. Which means, vBrownBag are presenting tech talks. Following the UserCon theme, we a number of presentations of personal development. As well as technical coverage. Talk schedules are below Sydney Time <th class="column-2"> Topic </th> <th class="column-3"> Presenter </th> 10:50 - 11:05 <td class="column-2"> Considerations for running Tier 1 databases on VSAN </td> <td class="column-3"> Murray Oldfield<br /> @murray_oldfield </td> 11:10 - 11:25 <td class="column-2"> Becoming a Subject Matter Expert </td> <td class="column-3"> Grant Orchard<br /> @grantorchard </td> 12:50 - 13:20 <td class="column-2"> Q&A VMWare Technical Interview </td> <td class="column-3"> Tai Ratcliff<br /> @TaiRatcliff<br /> Scott Norris<br /> @auScottNorris </td> 13:40 - 13:55 <td class="column-2"> Title: Multi Cloud Management and governance with vRealize Automation </td> <td class="column-3"> Scott Norris<br /> @auScottNorris </td> 14:00 - 14:15 <td class="column-2"> The Importance of Mentorship </td> <td class="column-3"> Rebecca Fitzhugh<br /> @RebeccaFitzhugh </td> Melbourne Time <th class="column-2"> Topic </th> <th class="column-3"> Presenter </th> 10:50 - 11:25 <td class="column-2"> NVMe for Beginners </td> <td class="column-3"> Derek Hennessy<br /> @derekhennessy<br /> Craig Waters<br /> @cswaters1 </td> 11:30 - 11:45 <td class="column-2"> Becoming a Subject Matter Expert </td> <td class="column-3"> Grant Orchard<br /> @grantorchard </td> 12:50 - 13:20 <td class="column-2"> Q&A VMWare Technical Interview </td> <td class="column-3"> Tai Ratcliff<br /> @TaiRatcliff<br /> Scott Norris<br /> @auScottNorris </td> 13:40 - 13:55 <td class="column-2"> Title: Multi Cloud Management and governance with vRealize Automation </td> <td class="column-3"> Scott Norris<br /> @auScottNorris </td> 14:00 - 14:15 <td class="column-2"> The Importance of Mentorship </td> <td class="column-3"> Rebecca Fitzhugh<br /> @RebeccaFitzhugh </td>

IT Community Involvement
· ☕ 3 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
It’;s coming up to two years that I have been running this blog, and roughly the same amount of time since I started being involved in the IT community. I thought it’;s a good time to sit back and reflect on being involved in the IT community and maybe help some people looking to do the same. Involvement in the IT community has a fairly broad scope, it can be blogging, answering questions on forums, making podcasts, volunteering to help at community events.

#vBrownBag APAC Theory of Design Series
· ☕ 2 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
Theory of Design is a new series for the vBrownBag APAC podcast. Intended to take a vendor agnostic look at design practices and principals. The series will provide the tools needed to assess, build and communicate solutions regardless of the vendor or product classification. The series will cover a number of topics (listed in more detail below), covering areas such as; capacity planning, client engagement, and risks. I am looking for presenters with experience in designing solutions and project delivery, not only from a technology perspective but also a business perspective.

OpenStack Austin 2016
· ☕ 3 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of being able to help vBrownBag produce 106 technical videos over a 4 day period. During the week of OpenStack summit, I was lucky enough to work with some exceptional people, meet old and new friends from the community and all in all have an amazing time. The OpenStack vBrownBag crew consisted of Alastair Cooke, Kyle Ruddy, Emad Younis, Brian Knudtson, Jon Harris, Gurusimran Khalsa (GS) and myself.

vBrownBag APAC Admin Utility Series
· ☕ 1 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
vBrownBag APAC is currently setting up a new series of podcasts for 2016, starting on the 10th of March. The podcasts will be live streamed and recorded at 9 PM NZDST and uploaded to YouTube after the show. We are looking for Admins who would like to present a podcast on a utility that they find invaluable to their day to day operations. The premise to not only demonstrate the features and functionality of the product, but to also explain the organisational use case that it fulfills.

vBrownBag ACI Series
· ☕ 2 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
Recently vBrownBag kicked off the APAC podcast with a 4 part series on Cisco’;s SDN solution ACI. Before getting into the details of the show I would like to thank our presenters, Lauren Malhoit @malhoit{.ProfileHeaderCard-screennameLink.u-linkComplex.js-nav} and Carl Niger @carl_niger{.ProfileHeaderCard-screennameLink.u-linkComplex.js-nav} for taking the time to put together some fantastic content and presenting at a local time when most of us would be asleep. The series provided excellent product information on Cisco’;s SDN solution as well a great a technical overview of the components and some of its capabilities.