Review: PluralSight Offline Player OSX Beta
· ☕ 4 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
Roughly a month ago, I received an invite to beta test the PluralSight offline player. At the time, only a Mac client was available. Previously PluralSight had an offline player, and it was awful. Thankfully this has not been the experience with the new player. My daily commute involves a 45-minute train trip each way. This makes up a lot of my personal study and writing time. For this reason, I have a vested interest in an offline player.

Review: JetBrains PyCharm
· ☕ 3 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
PyCharm from JetBrains, is a full featured Python IDE. Which over the last 6 months has been my Python IDE of choice. The official site is: I would like to share my experiences, which have mostly been positive. Editions Before jumping into thoughts and experiences, lets preface with the two different editions of PyCharm. Community and Professional. PyCharm Community Edition is the free version. For my usage, it can almost do everything I need.

Turbonomic: User Configuration
Turbonomic: User Configuration
· ☕ 3 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
We are going to cover the basics of user configuration that Turbonomic makes available. Authentication methods and RBAC are the two main focus areas. We will step through connecting to AD and providing users access. Authentication Methods Turbonomic provides two platforms authentication platforms. You can use local authentication and AD. AD authentication provides improved flexibility and management. Managing local authentication comes with significant management overhead. Generally speaking, local authentication is best used for times when AD is unavailable.

Review: Bose QC 35 Headphones
· ☕ 3 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
Bose QC 35 headphones are considered by many as market leaders. The provide excellent comfort and effective noise cancelling. The noise cancelling excels with continuous noises, such as engines. Making frequent travellers an ideal target market. The constant drone of an engine is fatiguing. Use of noise cancelling headphones, you are able to arrive more refreshed. The good My last flight was on a 2 prop to Tassie. The headphones did not cancel out the noise completely.

Turbonomic Intro: Desired State and Virtual Market Place
· ☕ 3 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
Turbonomic is an operations management platform, built on a rich set of APIs. It has the capability to connect to many different systems and gather extensive datasets. This entry will cover the fundamentals of Desired State and Virtual Market Place. These two components are the basis for Turbonomics recommendations. Platform Support A Target is a management system; such as vCenter. By connecting to a Target, Turbonomic can gather data and perform actions.

Das Keyboard Professional 4 Review
Das Keyboard Professional 4 Review
· ☕ 3 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
Recently I have started using a Das Professional 4 and I thought it might be time to do a review. I’;m not going to go through the features of the keyboard, cable length etc. You can find that everywhere. This review covers my experience with it. I have been long time user of the Das Ultimate with Cherry MX blues. It was a fantastic keyboard and was an excellent trial by fire to improve touch typing.

Turbonomic First impression
· ☕ 3 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
A few days ago, I spun up Turbonomic on my home lab and have had a bit of a look around. I thought I would share my experience and thoughts on what I have seen from the product. Installing Turbonomic is about as easy and straight forward as you can get. Download the OVA from Turbonomics website and deploy. After deployment log on to the console and configure the IP addressing.

Book Review: Data Storage Networking: Real World Skills for the CompTIA Storage+ Certification and Beyond
· ☕ 2 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
Data Storage Networking, is a great book to cover the fundamentals of storage protocols, including their pros and cons. This book would be suited for people just learning storage concepts or needing to brush up on skills. I could also see a physical copy of this book being used for new staff building experience. For the CompTIA cert component, I can’;t comment as it’;s not a cert I’;m looking at attaining.

A quick first look at the Dell FX2
· ☕ 3 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
Recently, I had the chance to look at a Dell FX2 and from the time I got to spend on it, I was quite impressed. Time spend on this bit of kit wasn’;t as long as I would have liked. It turned out the storage options didn’;t suit the client needs. The configuration I was tasked with implementing involved 1 FX2 chassis with 2 x FC630 compute sleds and 1 x FD332 storage sled.

Canary Token
· ☕ 3 min read · ✍️ Brett Johnson
On the 28th of Jan, I got a notification on my phone that episode 396 of the Risky Business podcast was ready to be streamed for my drive home commute. The sponsored interview with Haroon Meer on a free service called Canary Tokens from Thinkst really got my attention. It was said that Canary Tokens were simple to implement service to produce an alert when activated, they could be placed into directory structures, DNS lookup, Word documents etc.